Topic of the project: INclusive Health And wellBeing In small and medium sized ciTies’ — ‘IN-HABIT’
No.: 869227
Local Coordinator: Ing. Katarína Melichová, PhD.
Project realization: 1.9.2020 - 31.8.2025
Topic of the project: Quality Soil as a Pathway to Healthy Food in the EU - FOODIE
No.: 621119-EPP-1-2020-1-SK-EPPJMO-PROJECT
Decision no.: 621119
Coordinator: prof.JUDr. Anna Bandlerová, PhD.
Project realization: 1.9.2020 - 31.8.2021
Web: http://foodie.uniag.sk
Topic of the project: Centre of Excellence for European Agri-Food Chain - CEEAG
No.: 611446-EPP-1-2019-1-SK-EPPJMO-CoE
Local Coordinator: prof. Ing. Pavol Schwarcz, PhD.
Project relization: 2019-2022
Web: http://ceeag.uniag.sk/
Jean Monnet Projects- CEILAND (Central European Initiative on Agricultural Land Protection)
Topic of the project: Central European Initiative on Agricultural Land Protection
No.: 600441-EPP-1-2018-1-SK-EPPJMO-PROJECT
Coordinator: Doc.JUDr. Lucia Palšová,PhD.
Project realization: 1.9.2018 - 31.8.2019
Web: ceiland.uniag.sk
Jean Monnet Center of Excellence
project number: 542600-LLP-1-2013-1SK-AJM-PO, DECISION n.2013-2883/001-001
project title: EU land policy - the pathway towards sustainable Europe
project coordinator: prof. JUDr. Anna Bandlerová, PhD.
project realization: 2013 - 2016
web: http://www.fesrr.uniag.sk/en/centre-of-excellence/
project number: 2017-20022 BIOREGIO
project title: Regional Circular Economy Models and Best Available Technologies for Biological Streams, PGI01963
project coordinator at SUA: Prof.JUDr.Eleonóra Marišová, PhD.
project realization:2016-2021
website: https://www.lamk.fi/fi/hanke/bioregio-regional-circular-economy-models-and-best-available-technologies-biological-streams
project title: „NOGAP“ – Knowledge Transfer Community to bridge the gap between reseach, innovation and business creation
project coordinator: prof. Ing. Ján Gaduš, PhD.
project realization: 2013 - 2016
web: http://no-gap.eu/en/1517.php
project number: FP7-REGPOT-2011-1 STAR-AGROENERGY
project title: Scientific [&] Technological Advancement in Research on Agro-energy: an integrated approach to renewable energy generation according to sustainability criteria
project coordinator: doc. Ing. Alexander Fehér, PhD.
project realization: 2011 - 2014
web: http://www.star-agroenergy.eu
project number: COST FP 1301
project title: Innovative management and multifunctional utilization of traditional coppice forests - an answer to future ecological, economic and social challenges in the European forestry sector (EuroCoppice)
project coordinator: doc. Ing. Alexander Fehér, PhD.
project realization: 2013 - 2017
web: http://www.cost.eu/domains_actions/fps/Actions/FP1301
project number: COST ES 1106
project title: Assessment of EUROpean AGRIculture WATer use and trade under climate change (EURO-AGRIWAT)
project coordinator: prof. RNDr. Bernard Šiška, PhD.
project realization: 2013 - 2017
web: http://www.cost.eu/domains_actions/essem/Actions/ES1106
project number: COST FA 0901
project title: Putting halophytes to work – from genes to ecosystems
project coordinator: doc. Ing. Alexander Fehér, PhD.
project realization: 2009 - 2014
web: http://www.cost.eu/domains_actions/fa/Actions/FA0901
project title: Slovak Youth and their Future in the Light of the Common Agricultural Policy - SKYCAP
project no: 101000453
project coordinator: prof. Ing. Pavol Schwarcz, PhD.
project realization: 01.08.2020 - 31.07.2021
project number: 34-IDMP-2013
project title: Global Water Partnership in Central and Eastern Europe – Integrated Drought Management Programme
project coordinator: prof. RNDr. Pavol Bielek, DrSc.
project realization: 2013 – 2015
project number: AGRI-2010-EVAL-13
project title: Support for farmers cooperatives
project coordinator: Bandlerová Anna, prof. JUDr. PhD., Schwarcz Pavol, doc. Ing., PhD., Takáč Ivan, Ing., PhD., Lazíková Jarmila, JUDr. Ing., PhD.
project realization: 2010 – 2012
project number: IEE/10/470/SI2.593725
project title: Support of regional initiatives in bioenergy – PromoBio
project coordinator: Ing. Pavol Otepka, PhD.
project realization: 2011 - 2014
project number: 11/LEI0053-30-CE-0395921/00-42
project title: Support for farmers cooperatives
project coordinator: prof. JUDr. Anna Bandlerová, PhD.
co-workers: prof. Ing. Pavol Schwarcz, PhD., Ing. Ivan Takáč, PhD., JUDr. Ing. Jarmila Lazíková, PhD.
project realization: 2010 – 2012
project number: D3-IATE-SK-3
project title: Upgrading Slovak IATE entries in the field of agriculture
project coordinator: Ing. Marcela Chreneková, PhD.
project realization: 2010