Roundtable focused on the Legal Regulation of Agricultural Land Protection in V4 countries
On November 21 and 22, the Faculty of European Studies and Regional Development organized a roundtable titled V4 Agricultural Land Protection Roundtable. The event was held as part of the project “V4 Agricultural Land protection”, no. 22420155 and marked the first activity and the initial joint meeting of the project partners.
The roundtable was attended by representatives of all partner universities, which are Mendel University in Brno, Poznań University of Life Sciences, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences and Slovak Agriculture University in Nitra, as well as a representative from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic. It was a hybrid event, 15 participants attending in person and more than 50 joining online from all V4 countries.
The first day focused on the theoretical level associated with new knowledge and information that directly related to agricultural land protections. The second day offered an opportunity for the cooperating university partners to gain direct insight into the practice of the agricultural sector in Slovakia.
The first day of the meeting included presentations from representatives of the cooperating universities, which were complemented with their expertise, experience and high-quality examples based on their long-term practice in the field. The discussion covered topics such as agricultural land protection, differences in agricultural practices and legal norms across the V4 countries, and legislation and affecting the agricultural sector in each country. The project partners agreed to cooperate on articles and publications related to the field of agriculture, protection and improvement of agricultural land and sustainability.
The second day of the meeting had a more practical focus, allowing participants to gain direct insight into operations of institution engaged agriculture, the protection of agricultural and forest lands, and the development of the economic sector.
The added value of the roundtable was a detailed insight and comparison of selected issues in the agricultural and land sectors across countries. The key point is the new proposal and knowledge that will contribute to innovations and improvement of agricultural land in the future. The continuation of this event will be an international scientific conference, which will take place in autumn 2025.
The recording of the roundtable is available here: