The Faculty of EU Studies and Regional Development hosted prof. Leonardo Pastorino from the University La Plata Argentina from 2-10. July 2019. The academic mobility was supported by the grant of the ERASMUS+ programme K107. During the visit prof. Pastorino provided the staff and PhD. students of our faculty with the professional lecture on legal aspects of the water protection in Argentina with relation to common economic management of this natural resource. The lecture was followed by beneficial discussion of participants and was a valuable professional contribution. The mobility brought also an interesting view into the facilities and opportunities of partner university La Plata in Argentina what is expected to bring further continuation of existing academic and scientific cooperation between our institutions.

From 18.6.2019 to 20.6.19, the Department of Law of Faculty of European Studies and Regional Development was visited by Mgr.Jan Mandys,PhD. from the Institute of Administrative and Social Sciences (Faculty of Economics and Administration, University of Pardubice). Mgr.Jan Mandys,PhD. gave lectures for both Slovak and foreign students about the study programmes offered by his Faculty.
The lectures were followed by a discussion with the academic staff of the Department of Law (FESRD) regarding the joint project ERDI - Empowering Regional Development and Innovations (project no. 562603-EPP-1-2015-1-FI EPPKA2-KA), implemented in the period between 2016-2018. Both SUA and University of Pardubice participated as partners in this project. Possible workshops and continuation of the project were discussed.

Yvette Bérubé, professor from Collège communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick (CCNB), Canada, visited our faculty of EU studies and Regional development, in the frame of Erasmus+ globe project, in the week from 3.6. till 7.6.2019. The aim of her visit was to discuss the future coopertion, based on previous common projects ( EuCan Bio Power, 2010-2013, Empowering Regional Development and Innovations, 2016-2018) and excellent exchange of professors and students. She presented for teachers and PhD. students the study programs and courses offered by CCNB and its campusses. Prof. Marisova explained her also the SUA system of study and trainings of incoming and outgoing students. They talked about preparing new projects with added value concentraiting on more practical examples and skills in syllabi for students in Bachelor study programs. She had a possibility to participate at the exhibition "Field days" in Dvory nad Žitavou and she was impressed by beautiful nature and agriculture of Nitra region.

On 15th November 2018, Mr. Sándor Némethy from Göteborgs Universitet visited our faculty within ERASMUS+ programme.
Mr. Sándor Némethy gave a lecture on issues regarding cultural-country management as well as strategies in education and research based on international strategic partnership and networking within ERASMUS+ project SUMCULA, with an emphasis on possibilities for student and staff mobilities.

The Faculty of European Studies and Regional Development of the SUA in Nitra welcomed colleagues from the West Attica University (WAU) Greece, on September 25.
The subject of the discussion was, in particular, the current issues of cooperation in the field of education, research and international project cooperation within the framework of the forthcoming challenges. During the working visit, Prof. Giorgos Prezerakos presented a speech on Intellectual Property Protection in the Internet Era and Prof. Panos Yannakopoulos delivered a presentation on the topic of an ICT and Globalization.
The next step in launching the international cooperation was the signing of a bilateral agreement under the ERASMUS + programme, providing the mobility opportunity for two students and two staff members of the SUA and WAU. Mobility will also enable the promotion of the SUA and its educational and research capacities as an added of the cooperation.
Between 26th June and 1st July 2017, FESRD organized a summer school „Land Degradation in Slovakia“ within the framework of the project IUCLAND No: 561841-EPP-1-2015-1- IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP (www.iucland.eu) coordinated by the Centre of International Programmes. Beside 30 students from different universities also 12 teachers from Italy, Croatia, China, Kyrgystan and Kazakhstan participated at the summer school and share their valuable knowledge and experience.
On October 7, 2015, a selective lecture by Prof. Pierre-Marcel Desjardins from University of Mocton in Canada, economist and expert on regional and rural development, took place in Congres Hall KC of SUA in Nitra. The lecture oriented on the topic of Canada’s Regional Economies was interesting for students, PhD students and teachers of FESRD, as well as foreign students. The lecture by prof. Desjardins is the first activity realized within the framework of cooperation with University de Moncton in Canada, which started by Rectors Dr.h.c. Prof. Bielik and Prof. Raymonda Théberge signing Memorandum of Understanding in July 2015.
A lecturing visit of Dr. Petri Kainulainen from Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Finland in frame of the Erasmus + programme took place at FESRD in the period from January 26 to January 30, 2015. During his stay he gave the lectures on the topic Finnish agriculture and Study possibilities in Savonia University of Applied Sciences for PhD. students and staff of the faculty. He also participated in workshop organized by faculty with aim preparation of a project under programme Erasmus-KA2.
Savonia University of Applied Sciences
Finnish agriculture and Study possibilities in Savonia University of Applied Sciences
A lecturing visit of prof. Domenico Viti from University of Foggia, Italy in frame of the Jean Monnet Chair programme took place at FESRD in the period from May 19 to May 22, 2014. During his stay he gave the lecture on the topic Historical Heritage Preservation and Farm Activity. Lecture was focused on the issues of a current use of traditional agricultural country in sensible, appropriate and sustainable way (such as agro tourism, traditional food production, etc.) in the region of Apulia in south of Italy. Lecture was attended by foreign students, PhD students and staff of our faculty.
A lecturing visit of Dr. Tadeusz Filipiak from Warsaw University of Life Scieneces, Poland in frame of the CEEPUS programme took place at FESRD in the period of April 6, to April 11, 2014. During his stay he gave the lectures on the topic Project Management Principles for the students at the bachelor level of the study program European development programmes and he participated in the partner meeting within CEEPUS project as well.
Dr. Erika Varga from Szent István University, Hungary visited our Faculty in frame of Erasmus programme from December 2, till December 6, 2013. During her stay she gave the lectures on the topics: The role of education in Human Resource Management,The importance of trainings in HRM and The significance of key competencies in HR for English group of students of the study program Management of Development of Rural Area and Rural Tourism.
Education and Training of Employees in Human Resource Management
The Faculty of European Studies and Regional Development hosted within bilateral cooperation the reputable expert in the field of environmental policy professor Edward Pierzgalski from SGGW in Warsaw. Prof. E. Pierzgalski gave the lectures within the subject “EU Environment Policy” for English group of students of the study program Management of Development of Rural Area and Rural Tourism in the period of November 25 till November 27, 2013 .
A lecturing visit of professor László Kulcsár from the University of West Hungary inSopron, the reputable expert in the field of rural development, took place at FESRD in the period of November 20, till November 22, 2013. During his stay at the faculty, he led a scientific seminar for PhD. students of the study program Integrated Rural Development on the topic ,,Social Aspects of Integrated Rural Development”.
A lecturing visit of Dr. Goran Topisirović from University of Belgrade, Serbia in frame of the CEEPUS programme took place at FESRD in the period of October 6, to October 11, 2013. During his stay he gave the lectures on the topics Liquid manure, Microclimate Conditions and Ventilation Systems in Livestock Buildings and GIS and Basics of Precision Agriculture for the students at the bachelor level of study andhe participated in the workshop with members of the Department of Sustainable Development, FESRD as well.